Practice Growth Accelerator

Grow Your Practice Not Your Workload, Get Your Freedom Back

Can you relate to any of these statements?

  • Would you love to expand your practice or grow a team but feel it isn't possible for your practice because all the new patients want to see you?


  •  You are desperate to hire an associate but are concluding it impossible to find anyone?


  • Do you already have a team ...but are frustrated that your associates are never anywhere near as busy as you?


  • Are you tired of seeing your team sitting idle while you are back to back with patients?


  • You love your clinical work but increasingly finish your days feeling drained and burnout?


  • Are you frustrated that your bank balance never seems to reflect how hard you work?


  • Would getting a reliable steady flow of new patients for yourself and your team solve a lot of problems for you? 


  • Do you get frustrated and overwhelmed by digital marketing? Or feel held hostage by technology in your practice?

Then you are in the right place! This program has been designed for you. 

The Practice Growth Accelerator Program helps practice owners get a reliable supply of new patients into your practice for you and your team you can build a profitable practice

...not a burnout machine.

You are in the right place if: 

⭐ Getting a reliable steady flow of new patients for you and your team solve a lot of problems for you

⭐ You get frustrated and overwhelmed by digital marketing or feel held hostage by technology in your practice

⭐ You've tried to grow a team but struggled because all the new patients want to see you

⭐ Perhaps you already have a team but their list is just not busy enough? Can't seem to figure out why your associate's list doesn't take off like yours?

⭐You are desperate for an associate but are finding recruitment impossible

⭐You love your clinical work but increasingly finish your days feeling drained and burnout

⭐You're frustrated that your bank balance never seems to reflect how hard you work 

⭐ You want some structured help to plan your exit or prepare your practice for sale?

Do one or more of those points resonate? 

Good news.

You aren't alone and you are in the right place.  

What is The Practice Growth Accelerator Program? 

This program takes your practice to where you want it to be, in terms of..

✅ Profit

✅ Patient numbers

✅ Your working hours

Using the 3 simple steps below:

Step 1 Design Your Practice Growth Roadmap - A clear path to get your practice where you'd really like it to be 

During an in-depth one to one call with Nicola you'll get clear on :

  • where you are now and exactly where you want your practice to be
  • the exact patient numbers and action steps to get you there via your customised Practice Growth Roadmap

Step 2 Your Tools - Tried and Tested Practice Growth and Recruitment Strategies

Many practices are spending money and time on marketing that just isn't working for them.

Our tools include:

  • effective tried and tested marketing strategies + help to implement them into your practice
  • clinical systems that don't cost a penny but add 1000s to your clinic every year 
  • tried and tested recruitment systems to help you stand out in a crowded market and grow your clinical team
  • and much much more.

 Step 3 Help and Support - So You'll Never Feel Alone Again 

Our comprehensive Accelerator support gives you: 

  • Accelerator calls - laser focussed sessions every 6 weeks to address your questions and roadblocks and share wins.
  • Unlimited email support from Nicola in between calls ( at Inner circle level )
  • Individual Regular Marketing Reviews - working on your job ad or website....want some help and feedback? Use support calls to get one to one feedback to transform your marketing.
  • Practice Growth calls throughout the month for questions and help face to face. 
  • Implementor calls - have trouble working on your clinic? Need some accountability? These calls will be perfect for you.
  • Members only Facebook group for help and feedback from our fabulous community of clinic owners

What to Expect on this Program

✅ Access to Up to Date Practice Growth resources with Nicola to guide you to exactly what is the right next step for YOU and YOUR PRACTICE

✅ Discover how to dramatically improve the results of your marketing and finally get a reliable flow of new patients into your practice

Effective recruitment systems to get the right clinical team at your side and help you attract great candidates in a crowded market

✅ Highly effective clinical and mentoring systems to allow you to add associates and fill their diaries fast

✅ Simple referral systems that get word of mouth referrals pouring in for your team 

✅ Help to develop internal marketing systems to increase your profits without spending a penny on marketing

✅ Effective time management strategies to get more stuff done and move you faster towards your goals

✅ Methods to develop a practice that doesn't rely on you so you can afford to reduce your clinical hours if you chose to

✅ Lots of accountability - ideal if you struggle to get things done in your practice outside of your work with patients

✅ Much faster results versus ploughing along and muddling through by yourself

What NOT to Expect on This Program

❌ Being left to go through hours of content by yourself. All our resources are concise and built with busy practice owners in mind

❌ Being advised that to sell expensive programs or block booking patients is the only way to grow your practice

❌ Encouragement to put huge discounted offers in place that devalue your service and make you feel uncomfortable

❌ Feeling overwhelmed, out of your depth or left behind 

❌ Having to spend hours creating content for social blooming media

Deceptive dodgy tactics that waver from best practice standards

I'm Interested, What's my Next Step?

A Message From Nicola McLennan, Osteopath and Certified Business Coach 

I've been where you's what changed

I graduated as a Registered Osteopath in 2002.  I jumped straight into setting up my own practice and a year later got a loan and bought a list from one of my principal's that was retiring.

Fast forward 5-7 years, I was working flat out, often with patients until 9pm four nights a week and I was miserable.  It wasn't fun.

At that point I discovered 2 things: 

1) Burnout - from long hours squeezing too many patients into a day.

2) My clinic wasn't a business - every aspect of my clinic relied on me. It was job that offered no sick or holiday pay and required long anti-social working hours. 

This took it's toll ...medication for migraines, rushing back to clinic after a family funeral to treat patients, poor sleep, celebrating cancellations with a nap and feeling miserable and tired.

I made it my mission to:

  • figure out how to build the clinic up
  • reduce my patient hours 
  • take advantage of digital marketing. 

I invested 1000s of hours and pounds, learning about systems, time management, Google Ads, website optimisation.

Result? - I built the practice and hired team members. I eventually sold my clinic for more than 10 times what I paid for it and moved into my dream house and began certification and training as a business coach. 

This dramatic change has given me the financial freedom and time to help other clinic owners apply all that I had learned, so they could do the same…Earn More, Work Less and Get Your Life Back.

This is Won't Be For Everyone...

I have built this program for driven, dedicated healthcare professionals who want to build a profitable business and are dedicated to providing excellent standards of care for their patients. 

I accept practice owners into Accelerator who:

  • Will roll up their sleeves and get stuff done in between calls. This program is not for you if you are looking for someone to do all the work for you. 
  • Are open-minded and willing to make changes in their practice...a whole new world of possibilities will open up for you ...if you are willing to try new things. 
  • Have an established practice. This program isn't suitable for brand new startups who are less than 1 year old. 

Please only apply if you would accept a place if offered, and are happy to start in the next few weeks. 

What's Your Investment for Accelerator?

Practice Growth Accelerator

Join other ambitious practice owners looking to:

  • improve their marketing
  • hire teams
  • increase their practice profits. 

Investment: £299 per month.

Take the First Step

Inner Circle

Work closely with Nicola with regular coaching. Exclusively for clinics owners serious about scaling their practices.  Ideal for practitioners expanding their services and wanting to build a practice that doesn't rely on them. 

Investment: £499 per month

Take The First Step

How much is that in your currency?

$381 USD

$525 Canadian Dollars

347 Euros

$587 AUD

* conversion rates accurate as of 5th Aug 2024 *

The Accelerator Double Satisfaction Guarantee

Been disappointed before?

Concerned this might not work for you?

(This has literally never happened ). But if you're not 100% happy with the quality of the information, resources and support inside the program, then let us know and we will refund your money.

No problem.

Just let us know within 90 days and we'll refund your money.

That's how confident we are that you'll absolutely love the training and support inside the program.  

Here's What Other Clinic Owners Have to Say

"Best investment for your clinic"

 I was struggling to get a steady flow of quality leads since joining this program, I have a clear structure on how to follow up on them and turn them into course of treatment.

This is the best investment you can make for your clinic. I no longer worry about marketing as Nicola has all the done-for-you strategies and provides invaluable insight on how to improve your website and google campaigns.

Oliver, Osteopath, United Kingdom

"Very practical, great insights and solutions"

Running a business can be hard! It is a constantly evolving journey that is constantly that throws up new challenges and opportunities.  I have got so much better at managing my time and have developed my own management style. 

Nicola is very practical and able to offer some great insights and solutions as to what works with marketing. The nice thing about Nicola's approach is that marketing isn't all based on social media!

Niel, Osteopath, Midlands

"Best clinic numbers for 4 years"

I was struggling with recruitment and team performance

We are now at the highest level of staffing we have ever had. With the help of the program we have upped our marketing, our website performance has improved greatly.

Absolutely try it!  It brings a lot of things to the table. The opportunity to bounce ideas off other clinic owners and feeling supported is incredibly valuable.

Joel, Physiotherapist, Nova Scotia

"Amazing Strategies, and Laser-beam focus"

I'd reached a plateau in my clinics, lacked clarity in which direction to go with website, staff training and service delivery from the therapy team.

Everything, laser beam focus on what steps to work on, new ideas (that I would never of thought of) and community /a coach to bounce ideas off of.

100% go for it if like me you were on the hamster wheel, struggling with motivation and lack of direction. Nicola will give you focus and confidence in order to "boost" you to the next level in your practice journey.

Robert, Osteopath, Woodford

"100% Recommend Coaching With Nicola"

I had no work-life balance, was working very long hours but wanted to grow and open a new clinic. 

I have successfully hired new associates, have way more structure to my business, and a clear plan and roadmap for the future.

I'd absolutely 100% recommend coaching with Nicola.

Peter, Osteopath, UK

"We are So Busy Now"

The business changed after covid, the way people advertise all went on and I had no experience with online stuff. I was struggling to keep the team busy. 

I now look at the business with fresh eyes and learning new skills constantly. Myself and the team are consistently very busy now.

Don't hesitate, just do it!

Susanna Lindsey, Podiatrist, Wales

"Don’t stay stuck, take the leap. It’s totally worth it."

I was struggling to bring in new patients and wanted a plan for me to reduce, my clinical hours while still having a business open 6 days a week. I wanted to be able to work on the business not in the business.
I have reduced my clinic hours to zero. The clinic is open 6 days a week. We’ve had our 3 most profitable months and have a second clinic opening soon, all in the space of 15 months.
If you are nervous or unsure about joining like I was… Take the leap, don’t continue to stay stuck.

Jordan, Sports Therapist, UK

"Time well spent."

I needed help to create and optimise systems in my clinic, mentor staff and bring the clinic’s online marketing presence up-to-date . The program gave me a step-by-step approach and help to implement and build great systems in my practice… Time well spent.

Marco, Physio, Canada

"Don't just plod on and hope that word of mouth will keep your business going"

I had a lack of knowledge and no confidence on digital marketing. I had no specific practice of monitoring the business,

Everything has changed since I started coaching. I am far more confident with marketing, monitoring the business, lead and inquiries. Profits are up!!

Don't just plod on and hope that word of mouth will keep your business going. It will give you an entirely different outlook for your business. 

Marion, Osteopath, Wales

"She's worth the money"

I was in a prolonged and difficult period of transition in my practice and Nicola really helped me get through it. 

I have more structure and know where the business is heading and how to get it there. 

She's worth the money...but you need to pull your finger out...otherwise it's wasted on you.

Ryan, Osteopath, Newcastle

"It's brilliant to have a coach to keep you continually moving forwards"

We wanted some external and impartial guidance to help us achieve our goals.

We have improved and streamlined our services further, and have a clear plan and view and how and when we'll reach our next goals. 

It can be hard work but it's brilliant to have a coach such as Nicola to keep you focussed and enthusiastic and continually moving forwards.

Jo, Osteopath, Glasgow

"I am so much more focused and have more time for myself"

I was not busy enough, not sure what needed to happen, and confused by online marketing. 

I am now consistently very busy, much more focused with a system to monitor progress, AND have more time for myself. 

I would definitely recommend Nicola, who offers a systematic method to increase your practice and focus on what is necessary to reach your goals. 

Stephanie, Osteopath, West Sussex

"Successfully recruited an associate + Set up Online Marketing Properly"

I was having difficulty recruiting an associate osteopath and poor results from online marketing. I know the full profit potential of business not being met.

Since being in the program I have successfully recruited an associate, we are implementing treatment plans and have new online marketing campaigns in the pipeline. The coaching sessions have put the business at the front of my mind.

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Nicola knows the challenges we all face, and has tried-and-tested formulas for overcoming these challenges.  Nicola is approachable, understanding and always has an answer for even the most difficult business conundrums.

James, Osteopath, Kent

Frequently Asked Questions


Would you like to know more about how this would work for YOU and YOUR practice?

Great, let's arrange a Practice Growth Strategy call

Simply grab a time below and I will arrange a chat with you to:

  • get to know the problems and challenges you are facing in your practice
  • make sure the program is going to be the right fit for you
  • peel back the curtain so you can see how the program would work for you and your practice